E-Fiestas, A Gala Signing & More!
As I’m busy packing and preparing for EPICon, I just wanted to pass along these public events that will be taking place:
The eighth annual EPICon is coming to Surfside Inn, just in time for Read An e-Book Week, March 4-10. Public events include two e-Fiestas and a gala signing of more than three dozen authors, complete with keynote Sherrilyn Kenyon.
The public events include two e-Fiestas, combination educational and party events that are free to the public and safe family venues. The first will be held Thursday night, March 8th, 6-9 pm at Pembroke Mall's food court. The second will be held in the Surfside Inn hotel lobby from 2-4 pm on Saturday, March 10th.
At the Barnes and Noble, across the Blvd from Pembroke Mall, there will be a gala signing. There will be rapid-fire readings from 6-7 pm, promo packs, a second demo area...and that's before NYT Bestseller Sherrilyn Kenyon/Kinley MacGregor joins in on the fun at 7 pm.
Local residents are also invited into the convention bookstore at the Surfside Inn, which will be open 8 am-noon and 1:30 pm to 5 pm on Friday and Saturday.
So, come & join us, if you can!
Thx & Hugs,
Sabrina )O(
Sabrina Luna
Spicy Romance with a Touch of Magick
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