Wednesday, April 02, 2008

CONTEST! How would you like a cool character in a future book named after YOU?

I'm currently chatting with the rest of the Midnight Seductions Authors today over at Rites of Romance, and have a contest going on there until 11pm EST tonight!

I'm about to post a few excerpts from my WIPs to the loop chat--you'll know the WIPs because it'll be indicated as such VERY clearly in the subject line! For every lurker and/or non-MSA member that comes out and comments on these gets to be entered into a special drawing! If you comment by replying to the emails by 11pm EST tonight and mention that you are indeed interested in being entered into the contest, you are eligible!!

The drawing will be done shortly thereafter and the lucky winner will get a character named after them in their WIP of choice, and mentioned in the foreword of that book. That could be any of the following:

- Shadows of the Dark Moon, the sequel to Blood of the Dark Moon in the Dark Moon series
- Blood and Mint Chocolates, an upcoming f/f vampire erotic romance novella in the Dark Moon series
- My Other Car is a Broom, the first book in a yet unnamed series involving modern witches in Salem, the sidhe, and a very bizarre but intense love triangle.

The contest was going on yesterday in two other groups, but due to issues with Yahoo I am extending it to another DAY!

Love & Magic,


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