Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A M/M Dark Erotic Vampire Tale
By Sabrina Luna
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Silas watched the faces flickering in the glow of the golden flames of the campfire. He and Viktor would dine after all were asleep. Two or maybe three, but no more than that would be a good meal. He observed watching the clan as they interacted among themselves. Then, he saw him across the amber flames.

The slender young man stood beside Roth, the gypsy leader, sharing a mutual jest. Slowly, the youth’s gaze went to the fire, then over to where Silas was seated on a fallen log.

The lad’s dark, handsome features glowed in the firelight as he smiled over the blaze at Silas. Silas’ heart pounded in his chest as his manhood stirred with wanton lust. How many miles did he travel without the carnal bedcompany of a young man? Silas lost count. It was too long ago to even remember. His smile gleamed at Silas over the serpent-like hiss of the fire and his eyes reflected the red embers of the hot coals. Tonight, Silas promised himself, this handsome lad would be his!

CRIMSON AMBROSIA -Voted Best Alternative Lifestyle 2006 at Rites of Romance Reviews & Top 10 Finisher in Short Story Other catagory at Preditor & Editor Readers Poll 2006!

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Thx & Hugs,
Sabrina )O(

+ + +
Sabrina Luna
Spicy Romance with a Touch of Magick


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