Wednesday, November 28, 2007

2007's Bad Sex in Fiction Award

Literary author, Norman Mailer, who passed away last month at 84, was awarded 2007’s Bad Sex Award. His explicit rendition of the incestuous encounter between Adolf Hitler's parents won the writer one of the world's most dubious literary prizes.

The annual award aims to highlight crude and tasteless descriptions of sex in modern novels. Mailer’s prize-winning excerpt was taken from one of his last works, "The Castle in the Forest," a fictionalized exploration of Hitler's family, narrated by a demon.

In a ceremony at the In & Out Club in central London, the judges paid homage to a "great American man of letters," adding: "We are sure that he would have taken the prize in good humor."

Other nominees were Harry Potter actor, David Thewlis, for his sex scene in his novel "The Late Hector Kipling” and Jeannette Winterson, for her awkward love scene in "The Stone Gods," involving a woman and a robot.

For the full article click here

As an author, I know writing sex isn’t easy –kudos to these authors for at least making a literary attempt!

Blog Readers: What is your FAVORITE sex scene(s) in a novel (title & author)??? I'm curious here --please comment and share!

Thx & Hugs,
Sabrina )O(

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Sabrina Luna
Spicy Romance with a Touch of Magick
Bestselling Author of
Dark Erotica, Fantasy & Romance


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